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Some Favorite Additional Website Design & Management Tools
You can add your Twitter feed to your website. To do this, edit the page where the feed should appear, insert a New Component, select Social/Marketing, select Twitter Feed, enter just the ending part of your twitter account in the box (e.g., pcartsonline), specify a height, and click Apply Changes. Very slick!
CoffeeCup Free FTP provides easy-to-use FTP software without a bunch of extra features. Works well with SiteBuilder FTP settings.
Free PDF Converter is an online interactive Document-to-PDF conversion service that converts various types of files (e.g., Word DOC, Excel XLS, PostScript PS, PowerPoint PPT, RichText RTF and others) to PDF. It's quick, reliable, and free!
GENERATE your own Favorites Icon for your website and view a gallery of some of the ones that have been created.
ColorPix (from CNET) grabs the pixel under your mouse and transforms it into a number of different color formats. You can use the built-in magnifier to zoom in on your screen, click on a color value to copy it directly to the clipboard, and even keep ColorPix on top of all other apps and out of the way. It's free and small to download.
Cool Text is a FREE graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work.
Create pretty buttons online, quickly! FREE!
Hex Color Code Chart & Generator - Free hexadecimal color tools including color generator, color scheme generator with related shades, and popular hexadecimal (hex) colors.
Great for generating color schemes! Color search, color conversions, color harmonies, color wheels, gradient makers, and more!
Help us help you (or you help others) by installing TeamViewer Screen Sharing on your computer. Safe! We cannot access your computer without your permission and a code and password that you supply.
The always-ready program that allows you to instantly capture images and videos—then share them with anyone. Jing is a great tool for adding basic visual elements to all of your online conversations.